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Bob Berger Memorial First Aid Meet

This event was developed in memory of Mr. Bob Berger, a former Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 105. As one of the first paramedics in Montgomery County, Mr. Berger was passionate about the importance of First Aid in the Scouting program.


Since 2003, the Scouts of Troop 105 have hosted this First Aid Meet to afford fellow Scouts the opportunity to practice, reinforce, and build upon the skills they have learned.  As patrols progress through 10 stations, they are presented with real-life scenarios and ‘injured’ victims where they will assess the situation, problem solve, and provide appropriate treatment to the victim.


At the conclusion of each station, the Scout station monitor will review the scenario with the patrol and award points for accuracy and completion. The evaluation process provides a learning opportunity as well as a little Scout-friendly competition as the top scoring patrol adds their name to the Bob Berger Memorial Trophy.


The first aid meet is open to all Lafayette District Scout Troops, Venture Crews, and Webelos and AOL Cub Scouts.



This is held the first Saturday of March.


Perkiomen Valley Middle School WEST

220 Big Road

Zieglerville, PA 19492


In-person registration is 8:15 to 8:45 am.

Event begins promptly at 9 am and runs until approximately 12.



  • $10.00 per Scout

  • Fee includes commemorative patch for each participating Scout.

  • Additional patches are available for an additional cost based on patch price.

  • Admission is FREE for spectators and adult leaders accompanying patrols.


Note: Fees associated with this event are specifically allocated to maintaining the Bob Berger Memorial First Aid Meet, renting the school, purchasing patches, etc. This is not a fundraiser for Troop 105.




  1. The Scout Oath and Scout Law will always prevail.

  2. Each unit leader should check in with the registrar between 8:15 and 8:45 am. The event will begin promptly at 9am. Please try to arrive early.

  3. Units should not put together a Patrol of “First Aid Experts”. It is expected that competition is between ‘natural patrols’.

  4. Each unit should assign a Patrol Leader and have a Patrol Name.

  5. Given the nature of the event, it is suggested that participants wear troop shirts (class B). Please try to coordinate so the entire Patrol is in the same/similar shirt.

  6. The use of Scout books, First Aid books/guides or electronic devices is prohibited during the event.

  7. It is expected the Patrol Method will be used. Thus, Scout station leaders will expect Patrol Leaders to be in charge at all times. The Patrol Leader, or his/her designee, will act as the spokesperson for each first aid scenario except when individual participants must demonstrate specific skills.

  8. All Patrols members are to stay with their Patrol throughout the event and should refrain from discussing scenarios between Patrols or with leaders.

  9. Each Patrol is expected to perform as much of the first aid care as possible for each scenario. For example, examining injuries, splinting, dressing and examining wounds, moving and positioning the victim. Credit will not be given for telling the Scout station leader what you would do, unless specifically instructed to do so for a given problem or scenario and as listed below:

    • Using water or other liquids​

    • Application of medical ‘dosages’, alcohol or first aid creams

    • Removing any clothing except shoes, hats, gloves, rolling up shirt sleeves or pant legs

    • Other situations identified by the station leader during the presentation of the scenario

  10. For each First Aid Scenario, the Patrols will receive a problem description by the Scout station leader after which, there will be 10 minutes for victim evaluation and treatment. There will be a 5-minute warning notification. Patrols may ask questions at any time during the scenario although answers may be limited.

  11. For certain scenarios, the exact nature of the injury may not be evident but, enough information will be provided in the description to begin the evaluation. Scout station leaders may provide additional information on the nature of the injury and the victim’s condition as care is provided.

  12. Make-up and props are utilized to simulate actual injuries and may be disturbing to some participants.

  13. Scenarios assume there is no cell phone service available during the first aid activities. There will be a “911 - Poison Control - Animal Control” Station located in the center of the gymnasium where participants will simulate calling for help.

  14. During scenarios where a victim may require CPR, back blows or abdominal/chest thrusts, participants would be expected to demonstrate proper positioning of the victim and simulate the proper techniques without actually performing rescue breathing, chest compressions, back blows, abdominal or chest thrusts.

  15. The organizers will make every effort to ensure that each scenario is presented fairly and accurately. Scout station leaders are provided with guidelines for scoring. Evaluation by the Scout station leader and the resulting score will be final. A review of the scenario and Patrol scores will be discussed at the conclusion of each scenario, providing feedback and recommendations as necessary.

  16. Scoring is based upon skills demonstrated in assessing the problem presented and providing appropriate care of the victim within the specified time period as well as, active involvement of all members of the Patrol.

  17. No sharing of supplies will be permitted. First Aid supplies must be provided by each participating Patrol. First Aid supplies are of the type that would be carried on a normal ‘Day Hike’. With the exception of staves/poles and blankets, supplies should fit in a typical day pack. *See list below of recommended supplies required to receive full credit during scenarios.

  18. Patrols should be respectful of fellow participants and refrain from loud talking in the gymnasium during the competition.

  19. Station evaluation sheets will be collected at the completion of each scenario. Once all Patrols have completed the stations, participants will return to the gymnasium for results and presentation of the Bob Berger Memorial Fist Aid Meet trophy.

  20. In the event of a tie, the tied Patrols will compete in a final timed scenario. The Patrol demonstrating appropriate management of the situation in the shortest amount of time will be declared the winner.

  21. NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED IN THE GYMNASIUM. Please limit refreshments to the gymnasium lobby area.

Recommended First Aid Supply List


  • 1 - Empty small water bottle

  • 2 - 6-foot long staves/poles (strong enough for improvised stretcher)

  • 2 - blankets

  • 1 - roll of 1" medical tape

  • 5 - Triangular Bandages

  • 2 - 12" to 18" Splints

  • 2 - 36" Splints

  • 4 - 3x3" Gauze Pads

  • Gauze Bandage Rolls 3" or 4" wide

  • NON-LATEX Protective Gloves – 1 pair for each Patrol member (will be reused from station to station)


Note: NO commercial splints, traction splints or stretchers will be permitted. Scout station leaders have the right to prohibit the use of any supplies that may be a safety concern.

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