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Troop 105, Inc

To ensure Scouts BSA Troop 105 stays successful over the next 100 plus years, a Group of Concerned Citizens has once again come together to create a valuable tool to assist on this journey. They formed Troop 105, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Scouts and Scouting in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania and specifically Scouts BSA Troop 105.


As a separate legal entity, Troop 105, Inc. is overseen by a board of directors recruited directly from the committee members of Scouts BSA Troop 105. This was done to ensure better overall coordination and compatibility between the organizations.


While many supporters and donors are not seeking anything in return, Troop 105, Inc. can now give back to those who support Scouts and Scouting in the form of tax deductions. This incentive has already started to have an impact. Both corporate and individual donors have been more receptive to making donations with the tax deduction now available.


Troop 105, Inc. hopes the Scouts and volunteers can continue to enjoy the Scouting experience and hopes to be a key player in enhancing that experience for the months and years to come.



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