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Scouting’s programs and outdoor adventures give young people the opportunity and freedom to explore a world beyond the boundaries of everyday life. It presents them with chances to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence and develop leadership skills. These experiences not only help Scouts while they are young, but also stay with them throughout their adult lives, growing into exceptional men and women that respect their family, community, religion, country and themselves. With parents and kids schedules growing busier every day, Scouting makes the most of what little time parents have to positively impact their kids’ lives.


Scouts BSA is designed for youth ages 11-18 (fifth grade through high school), Scouts learn responsible citizenship, character development and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs.


For over 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are just as relevant in helping youth grow to their full potential as they were in 1910. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.


Scouts learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects and community service. These experiences allow youth to grow and mature at their own pace. And, it is the results of these experiences that cause parents to say, "There are things learned in Scouting which cannot readily pick up elsewhere." It is also through these experiences that parents and their kids get an opportunity to share and talk about their thoughts, feelings, goals, and values.


Scouting provides youth with a sense that they are important as individuals. It is communicated to them that those in the Scouting family care about what happens to them, regardless of whether a game is won or lost.


Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Scouting promotes activities that lead to personal responsibility and high self-esteem. As a result, when hard decisions have to be made, peer pressure can be resisted and the right choices can be made.



Distinguished from its inception as most troops are sponsored by churches, schools, or fire companies, Troop 105 was and is still chartered by "Concerned Group of Citizens".  This means each parent of a Troop 105 Scout (past and present) is part of the charter as each parent has a concern for their Scout.  This source of adults chartering the future of the Scouts in the program has proven successful.


Troop 105 is a Scout-led and Scout-run troop.  The Scouts decide what activities to do, where to camp, and what service projects to complete.  Once a month, we go on a weekend camping trip.  Some of the places we have camped are Green Lane, Blue Rocks, Washington DC, and PA Grand Canyon. Summer camp takes place in mid July for a week with us going to a different camp each summer as chosen by the Scouts.  We have gone to Camp Rodney, Resica Falls, and Camp Minsi to name a few.  Usually, there is also a high adventure trip each summer where we have gone to Philmont or Seabase.  We help out locally with the Perkiomen watershed cleanup, Green Lane's hayride, and Pennypacker's open house.


We meet on Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30.  During the cooler months, we meet at New Eden Fellowship located at 609 Main Street in Schwenksville, PA.  During the warmer months, we meet at Central Perkiomen Valley Park which is also known as Plank Road Park between Routes 29 and 73 also located in Schwenksville, PA.


As one of the oldest and largest troops in the area, we have a rich history of volunteers for our adult leadership.  The concerned citizens (aka parents and adults) invest in the Scouts as mentors guiding them along their Scouting career.  Many of the adults continue to volunteer after their Scout(s) has "graduated".  In fact, we have former Scouts who volunteer and mentor your Scout.  This generational aspect of Troop 105 helps to define and enforce the Scout values.



Come join us at our Sunday troop meetings at New Eden Fellowship.  We ask you arrive early to talk with the Scoutmaster and Scouts.  Please email the Scoutmaster with any question you may have.


To become a Scout, the youth

  • Must have completed the 5th grade, OR

  • Be at least 11 years old, but less than 18 , OR

  • Have earned the Arrow of Light Award in Cub Scouts


The youth must know and be willing to live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and participate in troop and patrol activities. The parent(s) or guardian must be willing to work with the troop. The more involved the family is in Scouting BSA, the more rewarding experience the Scout discovers. We encourage parents to become trained leaders and can always find roles for volunteers.

A completed BSA application and medical forms parts A and B are required before any Scout or adult can participate in troop activities. Adult members must also complete the Youth Protection Training available online at and furnish a copy of the certificate to the troop.


Youth Application

Adult Application

Medical Forms

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